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U.S. History Paper: Project Guidelines and Directions

U.S. History Paper

Research is a process, and like any process it can take some time to complete properly. But, with consistent attention to detail, review of research skills and sources, and careful planning, you can be successful in whatever task you undertake.  The goal of the first few days in the library is to review the basic steps in the research process in order to begin your journey with your U.S. History paper. As you complete the activities, you will begin to develop your ideas for research into a more manageable topic, and begin locating sources from a variety of resources in order to complete the first graded portion of the project, your prospectus.

Please review the steps in the research process, listed below, as well as the directions for completing your Boot Camp unit. As you continue in your research, refer back to this guide in order to review locating information and resources. Please make certain to read ALL directions carefully! Also, feel free to stop by the library or send me an email if you ever need any assistance ( Good luck and happy researching!

Steps in the Research Process

  1. Task Definition

    1. Define the information problem

    2. Identify information needed

  2. Information Seeking Strategies

    1. Determine all possible sources

    2. Select the best sources

  3. Location and Access

    1. Locate sources

    2. Find information within sources

  4. Use of Information

    1. Engage with sources

    2. Extract relevant information

  5. Synthesis

    1. Organize from multiple sources

    2. Present the information

  6. Evaluation

Research Mantra

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