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The 19th Century in Review: Creating your Magazine

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Citing Sources- Endnotes and Image Credits

Creating your Endnotes

1. You will have a list of endnotes for each article. Put the article title, and then the endnotes for that specific article. 

2. Each endnote should be numbered. They should be in the same format as a footnote. 


Citing your Images

1. All images that are not stock photos must be cited the same as text content.

2. At the end of your magazine, include a page for images citations. If it can fit, it can be on the same page as your endnotes. Simply title the section "Image Credits" and give page numbers, followed by the image citation.


Creation Assistance

Getting Started. 

1. One person will start an account, and then invite collaborators to a magazine. 

2. There are free magazine templates. Use one of these templates. Do not pay to upgrade to use a different template. 

3.Everyone should be able to edit/change the magazine once the original creator shares. 

Publishing your Magazine: 

1. Select Download

2. Download a PDF

3. Share the PDF!