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Problems in World History: Citing your Sources

Why Cite?

Plagiarism is a serious offense, and in the real-world it comes with serious consequences.  You should ALWAYS cite your sources- whether it is a quote, paraphrase, or indirect quote. 

The resources below will assist you with citing your sources properly. BUT they are not a replacement for your brain! Make sure to check your citations and ensure that they are written correctly and include all of the necessary information for your teacher. Your citation is a coordinate, and should lead your teacher easily and quickly to the source that you used. 



Every student has access to a Noodletools account, that assists with collecting resources, creating bibliographies, and designing outlines. For more information and video tutorials, go to the Research Assistance tab on this page.

Click HERE for a tutorial and guide for signing up for a Noodletools account. Email Mrs. Myers with any questions