What is a Public Service Announcement?
A 30-60 second short commercial that highlights and raises awareness about an issue in our society.
They can include live action clips, image slideshows, cartoons, or slides with images and voiceover.
Think of all of the things that you have learned in the articles that you read as well as the discussions that you had with your group members, and use this information to guide the creation of your PSA.
Steps to Create PSA:
Work with your teammates to create a storyboard. This storyboard must be completed before you begin filming or working on your video. In the storyboard, you will include each scene and what dialogue or images or action will be in that scene.
Use your phone to record any live action video that you want to include, or use Powtoons to create a cartoon.
Upload the videos to your computer if you are using a Mac, or access the Splice or iMovie app on your phone.
If you recorded your PSA in separate clips, there are a few options for editing:
iMovie on a mac or your iPhone
Splice Editor on your iPhone or Android device
Adding Music:
Music paid for by SSA https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B7s9hmswxM_3VFJram9zWmFiRGs
You can download any music to upload to your project
You may only use the music provided in the app you are using to edit or on YouTube video editor, since this music is copyright free.
You may NOT use any music that has a copyright (basically all new and popular music).
Adding Images:
All images MUST be copyright free or in the Creative Commons.
Free stock photo options:
Or images you take yourself!
Adding Voice overs or Text on a Slide:
If you upload images, record your voice or add text to the slide
On the final slide, include your group member names, if possible