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Evaluating Websites: Fake News vs. Real News: Evaluation Activity

MyWebCheck Evaluation Tool

WebCheck is a great tool to use with students to teach them how to evaluate a website. The tool asks students a series of questions about a specific site, questions that students should be naturally asking themselves throughout the evaluation process.

Teachers can create classes, and receive the results from each student's evaluation. We have created a class for you to access and complete an evaluation as if you are a student. Please follow the directions below to complete the evaluation. 


1. Locate a website that you would like to have students in your class evaluate. If you need some examples, here are a few: 




2. There are different evaluation tools for each level (junior, middle, and senior). To complete the check, you will need a code for your specific level. 

Level Code
Junior School 1484
Middle School 1481
Senior School 1483

3. In another tab, open this website:

4. Copy and paste the URL you are evaluating in the space provided, and put in the correct code. Then begin the evaluation!

5. When you are finished, review the report you have received on the strength of your website. 

Which evaluation technique do you like better?

Which evaluation technique do you prefer: CRAAP or MyWebCheck?
CRAAP Test: 13 votes (81.25%)
MyWebCheck: 3 votes (18.75%)
Total Votes: 16
